All YouthStake Dance Ammon Stake Center
YM/YW Stake Dance, Ammon Stake Center from 9 pm till 12:30 am New Year's Eve Stake Dance. Come and party it up in a fun and friendly way. Ring in the new year and have a ton of new friends as we party and play. |
Young MenFirst Tuesday: Quorum activities
Second Tuesday: Quorum activities Third Tuesday: Combined YM/YW activity Fourth Tuesday: Combined YM activity This is our general monthly schedule. Individual days may change as needed. We will make sure families know of any changes to the schedule on any particular day. |
Hi! My name is Jenny Shirley and my family and I have been in the 5th ward for a year and a half. This is a wonderful ward with so many kind people. We are very happy to be here! I grew up in Layton and Kaysville, Utah. I went to college at BYU-Idaho and got my degree in English Literary Studies. During my senior year I met my husband, Kent, on a Latterday Saint dating website. I lived in Rexburg and he was stationed in Anchorage, Alaska with the Air Force at the time, so we did a long-distance relationship. That was a huge challenge for both of us, but it was made easier by the fact that my husband is, ironically, from Idaho Falls. After talking to each other on the phone and over the internet for months, we got to nally meet for the rst time in person when he came home to Idaho Falls on leave. It's a long, funny story, but needlessly to say, neither of us were looking for our spouse, but Heavenly Father had other plans in store for us! My husband and I got married civilly in Bountiful, Utah, and were able to be sealed a year later in the Orlando, Florida temple. During our 17-year marriage we have moved far too many times and have lived in Alaska, Georgia, Utah, Oregon, Arizona, and Idaho! We are nally ready to spread our roots here in Ammon/Idaho Falls.
I was born into a family who is active in the Church. I am so blessed to have the wonderful Christ-like example of both my mom and my dad, as well as my ve older siblings. Growing up, my testimony was strengthened through the many wonderful Young Women's leaders I had and amazing girls camps I attended. My four years at BYU-Idaho were a dening time in my life, especially socially and spiritually. There is nothing quite like going to a Church university, where you can immerse yourself in the Gospel and be surrounded by so many others who share your values and faith. I am so grateful for all I learned and experienced during that time. My testimony of Jesus Christ and the Gospel grew exponentially. My favorite way to serve others is to pray for them, put their names on the prayer roll at the temple, and by simply smiling and being kind to them. I feel so blessed and humbled when others serve me! When others do serve me, it is a powerful testimony to me that Heavenly Father knows me and my needs. It feels amazing and makes me want to pay it forward by serving others and helping them feel Heavenly Father and the Savior's love for them. There are so many things that bring me joy! My husband's humor and support, my beautiful children and their hugs and kisses, reading a good book, snuggling with my cat, visiting my family in Utah, eating chocolate, a day off from work, napping, and traveling all bring me joy. I also feel great joy when I feel and learn from the Spirit, feel God's and the Savior's love for me, attend the temple, when I am able to brighten the day of and/or help the students I work with as a Speech and Language paraprofessional in District 93, and when I teach the sweet children in my Primary class. When I was a teenager and a young adult I was blessed to travel to many different countries, including England, Israel, Egypt, Italy, Austria, and France. If I could travel anywhere now, I would denitely love to back to Europe, especially England, France, Italy, Scotland, Germany, and Ireland. There are so many historic places and beautiful architecture and art I haven't seen that I would love to. I would also LOVE to go to New Zealand because I'm convinced that it's the most spectacularly beautiful country in the world! I am a big Lord of the Rings nerd and (in case you are not a fellow LOTR nerd) those lms were made in New Zealand. I think that it would be amazing to feel like I'm stepping into the beautiful world of those lms. Hopefully someday I will be able to make that happen! |
Mykilee Siepert
My name is Mykilee Siepert. I was born and raised in Rexburg. I met my husband helping someone move a fridge, we always joke that service pays off. We love to do all things outside like camping, fishing, hiking, and boating. I have been a member all of my life, so I heard about the gospel of Jesus Christ through my incredible parents. When I was in high school my family lived in Samoa for a short time, where my love of the gospel was solidified. The saints there truly taught me so much about the gospel and Christ like love. One of my favorite ways to serve others is taking meals, dropping off a card or treat, spending time talking to others, or attending an event of someone’s. There are many things that bring me joy. Taking care of patients at work, playing basketball, exercising, baking, nature, traveling, and family time are a few of the things that bring me joy. The Gospel, serving with the young women, and attending the temple are also things that bring me joy. Where I would travel if I could go anywhere is somewhere in the South Pacific, Switzerland, or Italy. We love to snorkel and the South Pacific has incredible snorkeling, people, and views. Switzerland is where a lot of my family is from, so I think it’d be fun to go see where ancestors lived. Italy has always looked incredible. The history, food, and beauty look like something to be experienced. |
Friend to FriendThe September 2024 Friend to Friend episode features special guest President Jeffrey R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Hosted by the Primary General Presidency, this episode teaches and inspires children about their capacity to share the love of Jesus with others.
This 15-minute episode is fun, engaging content made just for kids and can be used at home or in Primary to help teach children about the gospel of Jesus Christ. There will be music, stories from children around the world, inspirational messages, and a visit from Louie the Toucan! The episode is available for download beginning Tuesday, September 10, 2024, and for streaming beginning Saturday, September 14, on the following channels:
SubstitutesPrimary Teachers, here is an up-to-date substitute list.